Wooden Product 22


112233445566778899 Saturn V rocket’s first stage carries 203,400 gallons (770,000 liters) of kerosene fuel and 318,000 gallons (1.2 million liters) of liquid oxygen needed for combustion. At liftoff, the stage’s five F-1 rocket engines ignite and produce 7.5 million pounds of thrust. //// 1111 ^^^^ 2222 — — 3333 !!!! 4444 &&&& 5555 %%%% 6666…

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112233445566778899 Saturn V rocket’s first stage carries 203,400 gallons (770,000 liters) of kerosene fuel and 318,000 gallons (1.2 million liters) of liquid oxygen needed for combustion. At liftoff, the stage’s five F-1 rocket engines ignite and produce 7.5 million pounds of thrust.

//// 1111 ^^^^ 2222 — — 3333 !!!! 4444 &&&& 5555 %%%% 6666 ???? 7777


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